Friends of Milton Mausoleum Newsletter

Our first event this year will be a 3-course Sunday Lunch at the West Retford Hotel in Retford, together with a speaker and a superb raffle.  The price is £25 per person with a reduced price for children. This is a chance for friends to meet up, enjoy a delicious lunch and share plans for the coming year. The date of the lunch is Sunday 28th April, 12.30 for 1pm, so, check your diaries and book your lunch with us.  To book your place and choose your menu, please contact-

HISTORY – A snippet of history for those of you who haven’t yet visited the Mausoleum – 

The building was commissioned by the 4th Duke of Newcastle in memory of his wife, Georgiana. It was designed by Sir Robert Smirke and completed in 1833. Most of the building served as a family mausoleum with the nave as a parish church. It was consecrated by the Archbishop of York on 27 December 1833. It closed as a parish church in the 1950s and was vested in the Churches Conservation Trust. It is the only surviving mausoleum in Nottinghamshire.  

There is a great amount of history in this building and you are welcome to visit at no cost from 2pm & 4pm, every Sunday from May to September, when our volunteers can offer you a wealth of information. Our full events list for the year will be featured in next month’s issue.

The Milton Mausoleum is cared for by the Churches Conservation Trust

Newsletter, December 2023

Hello Friends 

This year has been a busy one beginning with our Sunday Lunch at the West Retford Hotel when we were able to meet in the courtyard beforehand in glorious sunshine.  

In May we could not resist taking up the challenge of organising a special event at East Markham Village Hall.  The Eurovision Song Contest came to England and we invited some Ukrainian families, who have settled in the Retford area, to join us for the evening.  We provided a buffet, games and music which helped to create a special evening for our Ukrainian guests.  The local village communities were very generous and help us to create a Grand Prize Draw.

In August we were Putting on the Ritz, a concert featuring an outstanding performance by the hugely talented Lucy Campbell.  Her repertoire provided a variety of songs; something for everyone. Her standing ovations were truly deserved.  We served wine and canapes on the lawn at the interval.

A special ‘first time’ event for the Friends was the Open Gardens Day suggested by the owners of Lound Hall Estate to make a contribution to our funds. This event exceeded our expectations in that over 450 people attended on the day. We really enjoyed working with the family to provide an interesting day for everyone.

At the time of going to press we will have held our 3rd Christmas Gifts and Craft Fayre on 11th November, brought back by popular demand with a return of popular stallholders and some new ones added this year. 

Our final event of the year is the hugely popular Carols by Candlelight on Sat. 2nd Dec. It is already fully booked and is a great way to welcome the festive season.

We thank you all very much for your generosity and support for our events during this year and as it’s nearly that time of year we would like to wish all our friends and supporters a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas and New Year.

Milton Mausoleum, The Avenue, Milton NG22 0PW

Milton Mausoleum is in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust

Friends of Milton Mausoleum- October Newsletter

AUGUST – was a very busy and enjoyable month for The Friends of the Mausoleum and their supporters.

On Sat. 12th we held a cabaret-style evening welcoming guests with a complimentary drink.  The entertainer for the evening was a superb, international female vocalist, Lucy Campbell.  She held the audience with a stunning repertoire of songs from musicals and classical numbers.  Lucy enthralled us all with her performances and received standing ovations. In the interval guests enjoyed wine and canapes on the lawn and a superb prize draw completed a beautiful evening.

On Tues. 22nd we were delighted to be involved in an event which surpassed all our expectations.  We were invited by the owners of the Lound Hall Estate to join them in an Open Gardens event at their home, as they wished to raise funds for the Milton Mausoleum.  This event attracted over 450 visitors who enjoyed delicious refreshments in the grounds, woodland walks by the river Maun and visiting the croquet lawn. Informative talks were presented by historian Adrian Gray regarding the history of Lound Hall where a manor house originally stood on this site in the 1700s. It was rebuilt and renovated in the 1930s as a family home for local businessman Sir Harald Peake, a prominent mining company director and once Chairman of Rolls Royce. During WWII the Hall served as an RAF base before converting into a military hospital to care for injured soldiers.   The Hall was then sold to the National Coal Board to be a further education college in 1955 which finally closed about 

1993-4. The Hall returned to private ownership and was renovated back to its former glory in 2010 by the present family.    

There was a plants and herbs stall in the grounds and incidental music was presented by Stephanie Leather and Liam Brown; the weather was very kind to us on a wonderful day.  The Friends Committee and the family at Lound Hall would like to thank everyone for making this such a memorable day. 



Sat 11th November from 10am – 4pm    Christmas Gift and Crafts Fayre at Milton Mausoleum   Free Entry

A great mixture of stalls presenting many choices of quality gifts and crafts by local companies, with some new additions this year.  There will also be a raffle, tours of the Monument room and a Refreshments marquee featuring hot and cold food with a welcome seating area.  Please come along and show your support for these local businesses. We look forward to seeing you there.

Sat. 2nd December 3pm    Carols by Candlelight in the Mausoleum

Please reserve your seat for this fabulous start to the Christmas season when this year we will be joined by Village Harmony so come along and join us.  With a festive look and refreshments this event has proved to be extremely popular and attracts a full house.  Together with a Festive Prize Draw this is an event not to be missed.

For all enquiries and bookings please contact us at

Visit the Gardens of Lound Hall

Join us and explore the beautiful gardens of Lound Hall. They will be open on this day only, to raise vital funds for Milton Mausoleum.

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023, from 11am to 4pm.

Tickets are available in advance or on the gate. Entry cost is £5

For advanced ticket bookings, email;

We’re looking forward to seeing you all.

The Friends Did Eurovision 2023

At the Village Hall, East Markham

On Saturday 13th May the Friends of the Mausoleum held a unique event where we live-streamed the Eurovision Final with 120 people, over 40 of whom were Ukrainian nationals. The Ukraine won the contest last year so Liverpool hosted it in their place. We welcomed our guests into a warm and friendly atmosphere decorated in Ukrainian and UK colours and they were delighted to hear our special messages spoken to them in their own language by Victoria.

We shared a mixed buffet, held table games and the bar was open!  We would like to thank every one of the local businesses who so generously donated prizes for our huge Grand Prize Draw which featured 45 tremendous prizes.  As the evening drew to a close, we shared the excitement of watching and waiting for the final results to come in.  Congratulations to Sweden!

We said goodbye to our guests and thanked sponsors for their support in making this event a great success. A big Thank You to everyone who bought or sold tickets for the event and for the Draw, to everyone who attended and to every single person who helped in any way, however big or small, you each made it a very special evening.  Particular thanks also to Gerald Bowers of Bassetlaw Support Homes For Ukraine, David Dodds, Chairman and his colleagues on the East Markham Village Hall Committee for their valued assistance, advice and confidence in us.  It was a fabulous and successful night!



The Annual General Meeting was held at the Mausoleum with members of the public and Committee attending.   A Financial Report was submitted and an Annual Report from the Chair was shared. 

Voting took place for Committee roles for 2023-2024 and they are as follows:

Chair:  Gillian Squire                 Vice Chair & Advertising:   Jenny Foulds            Treasurer: Bobby Johnson

Membership:  Alick Jones

Committee Members: Victoria Keiller, David Foulds, Cindy Bradley & Roy Samuel


Our historical building is open every Sunday from 2pm – 4pm until Sunday September 24th.

Group visits can be arranged in the week by prior arrangement by contacting the Committee via

Milton Mausoleum is in the care of The Churches Conservation Trust

The Friends do Eurovision


At the East Markham Village Hall from 7pm

We will be joining the Eurovision Song Contest by live link to the programme for a social evening with food, bar and excellent Grand Prize Draw. We are networking with the Ukrainian Community who have settled in our local area.  Ukraine won the event last year but of course cannot host this year.  Come along and share a special evening.

Buffet included in the ticket price of £12.50 (11yrs & under £10).

Get your ticket now to avoid disappointment!

Other events are

Sunday 30th April         Friends Lunch at the West Retford Hotel, North Road, Retford DN22 7XG 

Two course Sunday Lunch Choice of Menu £20 per person with Speaker & Raffle

Saturday 29th April

A History Walk & Talk: Milton & West Markham by Pilgrims & Prophets. 

Meet at Milton Mausoleum for 10am the walk lasts until 12.30pm approx. Walking distance approx. 2-3 miles.

£8.50 per head includes contributions to Churches Conservation Trust and West Markham Church.

Leading local historian and author Adrian Gray leads a walk full of interesting facts and landmarks.  Please contact directly or phone Maggy on 07950 167821 for more information and bookings.

The Milton Mausoleum is in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust