In December we completed last year’s events with our popular Carols by Candlelight. The room was full to capacity and the atmosphere was very festive. We were joined by a 3-girl group, The Soul Divas, who sang a selection of Christmas songs and we all enjoyed the audience participation and the welcoming refreshments of mulled wine and mince pies.

We are planning our programme for 2023 and our first event will be our Sunday Lunch at the West Retford Hotel on Sunday 30th April; 12.30pm for 1pm. The cost of the meal is £20 per person for a two-course meal and the menu is available on request. There will be a speaker, raffle and our first £100 Lottery Prize Draw of the year. Come along and enjoy lunch with your friends.
Our weekly Sunday openings at the Mausoleum from 2pm – 4pm begin on Sunday 7th May until the end of September. We are available to arrange tours for groups with advance booking for a small charge to cover refreshments. If this is something you would like to arrange for your group, please contact us.
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