Further to the recent Government guidelines we are pleased to announce some date changes, and also some new events that we have arranged for later this year. Our Sunday openings for this year will now begin on 23rd May from 2pm – 4pm.  We will be complying with the latest Covid-19 government guidelines.

Sun. 23rd May            Sunday openings begin. 2pm – 4pm (until 26th Sept).

Sun. 27th June            A.G.M. 2pm at the Mausoleum. All visitors welcome at the AGM. Mausoleum open 2pm – 4pm

Sun. 4th July               ‘Put The Kettle On’ – An Open Afternoon with tea, coffee and cake. 2pm – 5pm


Sat. 4th Sept               Community Concert at 7pm. Details to follow. Seating may be restricted. Tickets £7 

Sun. 31st Oct               Friends Lunch at the West Retford Hotel – Details to follow


Sun. 4th Dec               Winter Music at 2pm. Our very popular event to round off the year.


These plans may still be subject to changes so please look for local news or contact us via our email: