Completed in 1832 Milton Mausoleum was designed by Sir Robert Smirke as a mausoleum for Georgiana, wife of the fourth Duke of Newcastle. It is built of dressed limestone from the demolished Tuxford public baths together with additional stone purchased by the Duke from Worksop Manor. The red bricks were from the nearby Tuxford brick works.

The Duke planned to use the new building as a final resting place for his family and to provide a new Parish Church for the folk of the ‘Markham Clinton’ parish, which comprised Bevercotes, Milton & West Markham.
The 4th Duke initially declared that the old Saxon church at West Markham should be demolished though he was eventually persuaded to rethink and to agree that funerals and occasional services could be held there.
Despite this, the old Saxon church of All Saints at West Markham fell into disrepair and by 1922 the old church was described as “forlorn and desolate …” .
Although great efforts were made during the 1930s to bring it render it fit for use, there was a twenty year stand off between supporters of Milton and West Markham. Services were held at both churches until in 1949, a Church Court decision restored Parish Church status to All Saints at West Markham.
In the late 1960’s it was feared that both the building and it’s memorials would be damaged or destroyed by the collapse of the Mausoleum roof or by vandalism. The memorial to Georgiana was moved to the historic Ducal seat at Clumber Park to be cared for by the National Trust.
The Redundant Churches Fund (now The Churches Conservation Trust) took over the care of the Mausoleum In 1972 and the Westmacott memorial was returned to the building in 1980.