Friends of Milton Mausoleum

June 2022

We hope that you all had a great time celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee Year.

We are now progressing with a full year of events and hoping that life runs smoothly for everyone.

The building is now open every Sunday from 2pm – 4pm until the end of September and we have several group visits booked throughout the year. Our volunteers are always pleased to welcome you to this historic place and tell you of the history of the Dukes of Newcastle who lived locally. We now have a ‘Children’s Corner’ with books/crafts to interest the younger visitors.

Come and see the statue of Georgiana, she has been professionally cleaned thanks to donations and fundraising from our supporters and friends.  

Our latest fundraising for “Unrestored Windows” is now running and we thank you for donations received so far.

Our next event is our summer concert ‘Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days’ which is to be held on Sat. 16th July. 7pm. Tickets are £8 each with refreshments and a drink. There is a raffle and another draw of our One Hundred Pound Lottery. There is still time to reserve your seat!  You can contact us by email at

Other events this year –

Sunday 25th Sept          Georgiana Memorial Service at 2.30pm with music and a talk by Dr Richard Gaunt followed by tea/coffee and cake. Please contact us to reserve your seat.    (Georgiana died on the 26th September 1822)

Sunday 25th Sept.         Sunday openings – season closes

Saturday 12th Nov.      Christmas Gift and Craft Fayre 10am – 4pm.  Back by popular demand!

Saturday 3rd Dec.          Carols by Candlelight at the later time of 4pm-5pm

We thank you for your continued support and hope to see you at these events.

The Friends of Milton Mausoleum

Friends Of Milton Mausoleum

We were delighted to welcome a visitor from America on 5th May 2022.                                                   

Lady Patricia Pelham Clinton Hope, eldest daughter of the 9th Duke of Newcastle under Lyne, Henry Edward Hugh Pelham Clinton Hope and Lady Mary Dianna Montagu Stuart Wortley Mackenzie, is visiting Clumber Park the former family seat of The Dukes of Newcastle to plant a Cedar of Lebanon tree as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

A supporter and member of The Friends of the Mausoleum for many years, she was very appreciative of the work that The Churches Conservation Trust and The Friends group at the Mausoleum are doing to maintain the history and fabric of the building.


The building is now open for our seasonal Sunday afternoon openings from 2pm – 4pm.

Come along and find out about the 4th Duke of Newcastle and his wife Georgiana, 4th Duchess of Newcastle.  Our volunteers are happy to welcome you to this historic place. The statue of Georgiana, has been professionally cleaned thanks to donations and fundraising from our supporters and friends.

Our latest fundraising for “Unrestored Windows” is now running and we thank you for donations received so far.

Groups are welcome at any suitable time in the week, by prior arrangement.  Please contact us to arrange a visit with tea/coffee and cake to follow.     

Our next event is our Summer Music Concert 7pm.  Sat. 16th July. Tickets are £8 each.  Please book now to reserve your seat!  You can contact us by email at

Other events this year –

Sunday 25th Sept      Georgiana Memorial Service at 2.30pm with a talk by Dr. Richard Gaunt followed by tea/coffee and cake. Please contact us to reserve your seat. (Georgiana died on the 26th September 1822)

Sunday 25th Sept.    Sunday openings – season closes

Saturday 12th Nov.  Christmas Gift and Craft Fayre 10am – 4pm.  Back by popular demand!

Saturday 3rd Dec.   Carols by Candlelight at the later time of 4pm-5pm

We thank you for your continued support and hope to see you at these events.

The Friends of Milton Mausoleum

A Special Year

This year is a special anniversary year for Georgiana, 4th Duchess of Newcastle, and she will be the focus of some of our events.


From Sunday 1st May we begin our seasonal Sunday afternoon openings from 2pm – 4pm.

Come along and find out about the 4th Duke of Newcastle and his wife Georgiana, 4th Duchess of Newcastle.  Our volunteers are happy to welcome you to this historic place.   If you are a member of a group and wish to make a visit at any other time, please contact us for details.       

The statue of Georgiana has been professionally cleaned thanks to donations from our friends and supporters and our latest fundraising for “Unrestored Windows” is progressing well.

In brief, here are the events planned for 2022

Sunday 29th May          AGM  2pm at the Mausoleum

Saturday 16th July         Summer Music Concert and canapes at 7pm

Sunday 25th Sept          Georgiana Memorial Service at 2.30pm followed by tea/coffee and cake

                                           (Georgiana died on the 26th September 1822)

Sunday 25th Sept.         Sunday openings – season closes

Saturday 12th Nov.       Christmas Gift and Craft Fayre 10am – 4pm.  Back by popular demand!

Saturday 3rd Dec.          Carols by Candlelight at the later time of 4pm-5pm

We thank you for your continued support and hope to see you at these events.  Look out for more details throughout the year.  Please email at to reserve your place at any of the events listed.

The Friends of Milton Mausoleum

Thank you

As we show off this wonderful building and tell the stories which surround it , we always like to know what you think of our endeavours.

You’ve told us that we’re getting it right and we would love to share some of your recent comments.

“how much I enjoy reading the Mausoleum updates”

“thank you for the updates, they are much appreciated”

to have such a lot of news as we emerge from yet another murky Covid season is so wonderful”

“congratulations on what an incredible job the Friends are doing”

“it’s amazing what you have done to turn the place around”

its new life is just wonderful”

We are always happy to listen to what you have to say and we look forward to welcoming you to the Mausoleum when we open again in May.

Thank you for all your support

The Friends of Milton Mausoleum

A Special Anniversary

We are pleased to begin this year with a full list of events planned for you to enjoy.

2022 is a special anniversary year for Georgiana, 4th Duchess of Newcastle and she will be the focus of some of our events.

We begin with The Friends Sunday Lunch at the West Retford Hotel, celebrated last year with our highest number of attendees ever.  This year the date is 10th April. Come along with friends, enjoy lunch together from our new list of menu choices; and find out more about our historic building.

Each year, from May to September, we open the Mausoleum on Sunday afternoons from 2pm – 4pm when our volunteers will give you a tour of the building and share the story of the 4th Duke & Duchess of Newcastle.  Tours can be organised for parties or groups by arrangement.

Our latest fundraising project “Unrestored Windows” is already off to a great start and gathering pace!

In brief, here are the events planned for 2022

Sunday 10th April          Annual Lunch 12.30 for 1pm  Two courses; Adults £20 Children (under 12) £10

First draw of this year’s £100 Lottery.    Raffle.

Sunday 1st May             First Sunday opening 2pm – 4pm

Sunday 29th May          AGM  2pm at the Mausoleum

Saturday 16th July         Summer Music Concert and canapes at 7pm

Sunday 25th Sept          Georgiana Memorial Service at 2pm followed by tea/coffee and cake

                                           (Georgiana died on the 26th September 1822)

Sunday 25th Sept.         Sunday openings – season closes

Saturday 12th Nov.       Christmas and Craft Fayre 10am – 4pm

Saturday 3rd Dec.          Carols by Candlelight at the later time of 4pm-5pm

We thank you for your continued support and hope to see you at these events.  Look out for more details throughout the year.  Please email to to book for our Sunday Lunch or to reserve your place at any of the events listed.

The Friends of Milton Mausoleum


A very enjoyable lunch was shared by friends and supporters recently at the West Retford Hotel in Retford. A chance to catch up and enjoy each other’s company.

We will be present at the following two events and would love to see you there –

Sunday 21st November 2021 from 9am

Retford Christmas Market and Christmas Lights Switch On in the Market Square

An all-day event from 9am. Come and chat to us about our local historic building and try your luck on our popular Chocobola game.  Books and Christmas Cards on sale. We look forward to seeing you.

Sunday 12th December 2021 3pm – 8pm

Tuxford’s Winter Wonderland 2021

A new event for Tuxford, in the car park at The Museum of the Horse.  We will be there with our popular Chocobola game, Christmas Cards and news of our next campaign.

Our Winter Music event is taking place on December 4th. and we are at full capacity for this very popular lead up to the Christmas period. 

May we take this opportunity to thank everyone for their valued support and wish you a very happy and healthy Christmas and prosperous New Year.