September 2022 is the 200th anniversary of the death of Georgiana, 4th Duchess of Newcastle, and she is the focus of our next event.

Each year, from May to September, we open the Mausoleum on Sunday afternoons from 2pm – 4pm when our volunteers will give you a tour of the building and share the story of the 4th Duke & Duchess of Newcastle. Why not bring along members of your groups for a tour of the building, with refreshments, at pre-arranged times. Our volunteers are happy to welcome you to this historic place.
Our latest fundraising project “Unrestored Windows” is already off to a great start and gathering pace!
Here are the final events planned for 2022
Sunday 25th Sept A Celebratory Service will be held at 2.30pm on the 200th anniversary of the death of the Duchess. We will be hearing extracts from the Duke’s diaries giving us an insight into her extraordinary life. This will be followed by tea/coffee and cake.
Please contact us to reserve your place.
Sunday 25th Sept. Sunday openings – season closes
Saturday 12th Nov. Christmas Gifts and Craft Fayre 10am – 4pm Back by popular demand!
Saturday 3rd Dec. Carols by Candlelight at the later time of 4pm-5pm
Please contact us to reserve your place at the events listed. We thank you for your continued support and hope to see you at these events.
The Friends of Milton Mausoleum