I have some really good news for you all at last. If you have driven, rode or strolled past the Mausoleum in recent weeks you will have noticed things happening.

In November the trench was dug and conduit laid for electric cables, last week the cables were installed and this week the meter will be in place. Very soon after that Steve Wade, electrical contractor, will fix sockets and a light in the west end of the building.
This is our basic starter “kit” and although we will still need to run free-standing cables and lights, we will no longer require a generator! May I again express our thanks to you all for your support and patience during the lengthy time this has taken but we will soon be able to “switch on”. Huge thanks also to Alick Jones and Brian Smethurst who have made this final stage happen, to Steve for gifting his labour and the Cope family and “Trans-sport” for their loan of generators and equipment over the last 5 years.
2019 was indeed a golden year for the Mausoleum. The “On Golden Hill” weekend in June saw us celebrate 50 years of the CCT with a gala event featuring the super talented “Highly Strung” quartet and “The Williams Sisters”. To hear stringed instruments “sing” and feel shivers down the spine hearing the voices of Cerys and Grace was an amazing experience. Then the wonderful weather continued for the Midsummer Tea the following day. Prosecco works just as well as tea with cake!
In September we had the equally successful, but very different, “Hog Roast” with music provided by the very popular local band “Limited Ability”. The year was completed by the Winter Music event in December with handbells ringing out and lots of joyous carol singing!
The team work very hard to bring all the events to fruition and you show your support very generously.
Thank you.