New Open Season

Another open season has arrived and we are delighted to remind you that we will be open on Sunday afternoons from May 5th until 29th September, 2-4 pm.

The AGM is on Sunday 2nd at 2pm. Please come along and make your voice heard as we take the Friends group into its 5th year. That also means subscriptions are due! These remain at £5 per individual and £8 for joint/family membership.

Our most significant event this year is our summer concert “On Golden Hill” – music ranging from light classical through songs from stage and screen to rock and pop – played by the string quartet “Highly Strung”. Google them and listen to their amazing performances! A young duo – “The Williams Sisters” will provide vocals too. Tickets are selling well for this “Black Tie” event (£15) and you know what a treat our summer concerts are!! Email us at

While the building will be beautifully decorated and full of flowers we have decided to have a “Midsummer Tea Party” on Sunday 23rd June, 2-4pm. Tickets are £5, the usual contact details apply!